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Essential Tips for NetSuite Data Imports

Essential Tips for NetSuite Data Imports


NetSuite CSV Data Imports Guide


Data importing is common to most activities in NetSuite.

This is especially true if you are migrating from a legacy ERP system, adding a module, or just simply doing some data clean-up. NetSuite has built user-friendly functionality, although, like with most areas of software, the nuances or deep complexities must be understood to ensure the outcome of the result is expected.

The purpose of this post is to give some tips and tricks related to CSV data imports and provide suggestions based on years of NetSuite experience. We also encourage you to read NetSuite documentation related to CSV imports for additional background.

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Getting Organized With Data Imports

Like with most things in life, getting organized will save you time and future headaches.

1. Determine what type of import is needed. Are you adding new records or updating existing records? It’s a simple question, but there could be huge ramifications if done incorrectly.
2. What specific records are you updating? If you need to create new items in NetSuite, you will need multiple CSV sheets for each type of item (i.e. lot numbered assembly, serialized assembly, or assembly).
3. Understand what information is mandatory from the NetSuite system and any customizations you have in place. Create the record in the user interface first and then go through each step to reproduce in the CSV import.
4. Get your field mapping dialed in. Along with mandatory fields, you will need to determine how the data exists in NetSuite (i.e. a list, multi-select, text box, check box, etc.).
5. Create saved search(s) to monitor the data as it is imported and then run validations on the outcome.
6. Determine any scripts or workflows that could trigger with your import. Go to scripted records and go through each script and workflow to make sure you understand the flow and ramifications of your CSV import. You can setup a CSV import to not trigger a script or workflow; however, this is a decision that must be made once you understand the expected outcome you desire.
7. Understand your role permissions and restrictions. Test what you are trying to import in the user interface. If you are not able to update the value, then higher permission may be needed.

Create a Sample Run Before All Records Are Imported

Start with a small CSV import first. Import or update 1-2 records, save the CSV import, then import the remainder once everything is perfect. Sometimes we will create a couple of sample imports and will iterate through them until we are satisfied that we are not missing a detail.

1. If you have 100 plus records to create, it could be a nightmare if you make a mistake that is hard to back out of.
2. We create sample runs to make sure my field mapping is exact. NetSuite can be picky about what is accepted and how it is accepted.

Validate Your Import

1. Use the saved search that was created earlier to validate the data. We typically create a saved search based on system notes which then allows me to do a quick analysis of the saved search to determine any abnormalities that come to surface.
2. Load the sample records that were created earlier. Go through every field to ensure the actual result matches the expected result.
3. Did anything unexpected happen on your sample import? Always determine the root cause of the change and why the system behaved the way it did. Once the why is understood then further future actions can be determined.

Import bank data NetSuite


Need help with CSV?

Want to talk to an expert before you spend a couple of days or weeks on your import? Protelo is here to help. From simple questions to more complex questions, we have a dedicated team of highly experienced business consultants ready to help!


More Tips, Tricks and NetSuite How-To’s

1. NetSuite Custom Fields
2. How to Set Up Compliant Email Messaging in NetSuite
3. NetSuite Search Formulas & Methods Overview
4. Adding Client Scripts on “View” of Record
5. How To Automatically Email Searches and Reports
7. NetSuite Sandbox FAQ
8.  Import Online Bank Data and Auto Match Transactions in NetSuite
9. FAQ: NetSuite Dashboards – Publishing, Permissions & Updates
10. Customizations in NetSuite: What to Know
11. Create Dynamic Fields on Saved Searches
12. How to create, edit and manage custom KPIs

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