
NetSuite Blog

Notice: Fake Invoice Emails Appear to be Coming from NetSuite

Notice: Fake Invoice Emails Appear to be Coming from NetSuite


NetSuite’s security team has recently collected reports of a spam campaign involving fake invoice emails from


We are Protelo, a top-tier NetSuite Partner and Reseller, here to assist in NetSuite licensing, customization, services and solutions for customers. Have a NetSuite question? Our team is here for you.


Please note that the email message header includes spoofed “Return-path:”, “envelope-from”, and “helo” fields that include fake NetSuite mail servers. These emails should be immediately discarded. Do not open the excel file or any attachments.


Example: The subject and body of the email will look similar and may have an Excel file attached to it. If you have received an email matching this description, please regard it as suspicious and immediately delete it. For additional questions regarding this issue, please create a support case.

Subject: “Invoice #-00135245” or “Payment Notification 0000000475638”


Email: “We appreciate your prompt attention and payment of this invoice at your earliest convenience.

Please find your attached invoice.
Invoice Due Date: 5/20/2020
Invoice Total Amount: $1,759.00

Best Regards
Billing and Payments 888 number
Sales 888 number”



The best way to minimize email spam messages like these is to setup DKIM and SPF.

For NetSuite trips and tricks on how to set up DKIM, SPF, and implement NetSuite email best practices check out our latest blog NetSuite Email Campaign Best Practices. We also offer a wide variety of NetSuite tips and tricks on our NetSuite blog for increased ease of use and to become a more efficient NetSuite user.


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